Music and solace goes hand in hand, you cannot practice music in a chaotic environment because it’s an art that needs much concentration. Henry is a musician, a pianist and he was looking for a separate space for practicing music and spending some time. He chose to build a tiny house because he was already aware of the budget. He lived in a small house along with his kids and pets; you can well imagine the amount of noise they make. He was desperately looking for space also for taking the practice sessions.
While he was searching the internet for tiny home manufacturers in California, he came across many suppliers. He started researching, asking his friends and came across BOSS Tiny House. He also noticed that BOSS ranked top among all other tiny house kits manufacturers. He reached our office to discuss his requirements and he was impressed by the consultation he had with our team. So, here is the story of this pianist, hope it would inspire you that a tiny house can be so much useful. We suggested him to buy our premium and best value tiny house kits; we offered him kits based on his requirements.
All kits are not equal so it very important that you tell us clearly about your requirements. We supply kits based on what type of tiny house you want and for what purpose. Henry was aiming to build a tiny house in his yard, a spacious one. He wanted to have much open space and not much clutter, he wanted to have a piano and a few chairs in the master room and that’s it. Yes, the house had all basic amenities and he built it next to the greens. He found it so easy to build a tiny house, our kits are easy to assemble, and we give clear and lucid instructions about how to install and build a tiny house. He planned the interior and we tried to help him, he called upon our experts to offer him a customized interior so that the essence of music echoes from inside. He tried to portray a calm interior and once the room was ready he appreciated us and he also wrote such positive remarks about BOSS on social media too.
To be honest, we also had clients who came to us and offered us Henry’s reference. Like Henry, we offer tiny house solutions to so many people every day and you are glad our clients love it. Building a tiny house is a passion, we wish our clients love to build tiny homes just the way they like it. We specialize in offering customized tiny house kits but if you are still ready to pay for the labor charges and looking for a builder, get in touch with the BOSS team.
This tiny house that Henry built was is unique and absolutely modern, he did join two separate spaces with the help of a single deck that runs through the garden and leads him to the roads, so communicating is easier. Henry loves the tiny house, he can also call over a few of his friends there for a musical session, his students can now learn music, and the space is more than perfect. We also arranged or proper insulation inside, it’s very important for the winters. He kept the house really simple, minimalistic because it’s a space for music only and in future he has plans of customizing it to a modern music studio.
BOSS is one of the biggest suppliers of tiny house kits on a global basis; discuss with us your tiny house requirements. We help with financing options, if you qualify for it. So, owning a tiny house is no more hassle when the BOSS is there for you.